Alchemist. Turning lead into gold. Using a secret ‘recipe’. Yep, that’s what I do.

But how I do it give new meaning to the word alchemist.

It’s another word for systemized, ordered thinking represented in a process and algorithmic approach.

It’s not unlike a mojito.

The secret to the perfect mojito is alchemy.  

The right amount of mint. A little lime. A touch of sugar. A splash of rum. It’s as much science as it is art.

And marketing with artificial intelligence – especially marketing online – is no different. Without the right balance mixed with just the right spark of magic, you’ll see your efforts fail.

If you’ve ever asked any of the questions below, you’re in the right place…

How can I track and leverage my technology and data to…

Okay, maybe that last one is for only me… 🙂 Or maybe not.

We don’t build funnels. We create data, optimization and marketing systems.

And we bridge these systems with the right technology in the right place and at the right time.

Together, the tech, analytics and optimization form the TAO of TEAL. It provides your business with a perfect harmony.

We deliver this using our Structured Scaling System Blueprint that focuses on three areas:

This helps you attract the right customers so that you can scale your business.

This level of business gives you the time, money, and freedom to do what you want when you want to do it.

We help online businesses scale by fusing their marketing ideas with the right technology, analytics, and optimization systems.



We believe that “grinding” and “hustling” are the least effective ways to build, grow and scale your business. Not if you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor as well. We help you leave the grind behind.

We believe your technology and analytics platforms should enhance your marketing efforts, not hinder them. Too many entrepreneurs don’t understand the technology and data they need to market the way they want. We help people bridge that gap.

We also believe that entrepreneurs and executives who want to live the dream instead of just chasing it must focus on one thing… Helping your ideal client live their dream. You must understand them. And if you do – if you can deliver massive value to them – everything else becomes easy. I help you build (and build upon) that critical foundation.

Forget reading hundreds of books or taking classes in economics and psychology. Don’t go to Facebook and download your ‘demographic’ data. Don’t buy another course on persuasion and copywriting from another ‘greasy guru.’

It means nothing if you don’t understand how to track and leverage your data and technology to drive the right business decisions at the right times.

Let us show you how. Subscribe to TEAL (it’s free). I’ll update you every time we post something to the blog. Or when I stumble upon another awesome mojito recipe.


Not only is Ben a mojito-loving Philosopher Economist, but he is also an Analytics and Process Systemization Expert. He holds a BA with a double major in Philosophy and Economics from Yale University.

He also has an MS in Economics with a concentration in Finance from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is a Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Lean Manufacturing Expert.

He holds 4 patents on various systemization and optimization algorithms designed to make his clients lives easier.

The core of his personal philosophy is simple. ‘Grinding’ is the LEAST effective ways to grow and scale your business. The real secret to growth is in three areas:

Hustle. Effort. Attitude.

If you work smart, know yourself, your customers AND your numbers, you’ll realize an easier path to rapid growth.

Speaking of customers, Ben has taken multiple clients to the number 1 spot in Clickbank. He’s helped numerous others reach the top 10. He’s consulted on the top health-related docuseries, top health and fitness info products, and several million-dollar supplement companies.

He is sought out for many of the internet’s biggest launches in both the health/fitness and e-commerce space. Over the last year alone, his clients have a cumulative revenue well into the 9-figures.

To be specific, Ben uses his Structured Scaling System to help his clients attract and keep their dream customers… while leaving the ‘grind’ behind.

He’s also recently written an Amazon #1 International Bestselling book – The Value Driven Business.

If you want to work smarter instead of harder… if ‘grinding’ isn’t for you, and if you can find him… you can work with Ben to grow and scale YOUR business.